Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Love at First Sight.....

It has taken me a while to come up with a topic to write about, but finally I have found one that I thought was important enough to document..... my 14-year relationship.  I could start the story at the end, but:
a) Where is the fun in that.
b) A little history never hurt anyone. 
c) Most importantly, to truly understand you need to know about how it all began.  

Besides beginnings always the best part of the story, aren't they?

I remember our first chance encounter, like it was yesterday.  It was a clear sunny day on the Prairies.  The type were only a few clouds are floating along in an ocean of the bluest sky, forming interesting shapes to entertain the masses.  It was a lazy day with no plans, no work, nothing to do and all the time in the world to do it in.  I had just finished University and had decided to take the summer off, my last hurrah before buckling down to a full-time job.   One of the benefits of my lack of life-plan was I got to spend more time with my Daddio, which lead the meeting of the love of my life or LOML.   
I know it sounds corny but as soon as I saw him I knew he was for me.  He had everything that I wanted.... rough, rugged on the outside, with a touch of softness on the inside.  The perfect mix of power and class... a real head turner.  When he spoke it reminded me of the soft hum of a kitten purring, and his smell.... ummmm that smell. 

The only problem- he was out of my class and it became apparent I was not the only one vying for his attention.  So I did something that I never do.... I threw caution to the wind and pounced. There was no thinking, no planning, definitely no pro and con list- just pure adrenaline pumping through the veins, heart pounding through the chest, action.  I decided on the spot that he would be mine at all costs and I won.  He was mine,  ALL MINE.... there was no turning back.  

I enjoyed the turn of heads as we passed by.  The admiring glances and the hint of jealousy in the eyes of the women, men and definitely the boys!  Who could blame them, we were the perfect match.  I knew just the sweet spot to hit to get him to change gears, he wooed me with the music that would become the sound track of our years together.  He never minded when others hitched a ride..... the more the merrier.  The Summer of '95 (hence referred to as the best summer of my life) was the start of it all.  

He helped me move to another province without a word and even endured my sister's and my Oprah worthy ugly cry, as the realization hit that it was not just another road trip, and I would not be returning back to the Prairies that I love.   He stuck by me as I forged a new life, in a new city and was there when I met new people.  He has been there through both the good and bad times, the ups and the downs.... my one constant in a new chapter of my life.  Without him I would have a hard time getting around in life as he is my truck-  Lil' Dude.  

What will become of Lil' Dude?
Will the relationship sever?
Tune in next time......
Same Ranger time......
Same Ranger station.......