Monday, May 4, 2009

Situation Critical......

Dec 2008 marked the turning point in my relationship with the Ranger.  Usually mild mannered and easy going he decided to go postal around Christmas and overheated.... it was a sight to behold... the hissing, the spitting.... definitely a Diva fit .  At first the mechanic thought it was a radiator leak but two litres of oil and a gallon of anti-freeze latter the he gently broke the news that it maybe more serious..... a cracked head gasket...... GASP!   

They continued on to say.... "You should probably start looking for a new vehicle."  I must admit my legs went numb and I was on the verge of tears and a full blown anxiety attack.  All I could say was "But I don't want a new vehicle", over and over again, as I slowly made my way outside, shoulders slumped and dragging my feet.  For the first three days just looking at the truck caused me physical pain and for once I was thankful I had the office to myself as I could give way to the tears that always inevitably came.

After Day 3 I decided enough was enough.... it was time to put the big girl panties on, suck it up and get serious about looking for my next vehicle, the only problem...... I had no clue what I wanted.  YIKES!!!

Will Max find a new vehicle before the old one passes or will she be destined for public transportation?

Tune in next time.......

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